Join our Team!


The Humans in Nature (HIN) Project is looking for University of Illinois undergraduate and graduate students to be part of their team!

The HIN project uses technology and social media to encourage individuals and families to spend time outside in nature as a way of: (a) maintaining physical health, (b) managing stress and restoring the ability to focus on important life tasks, and (c) fostering positive social interactions and satisfying relationships. Students will part of a team that will develop research-based multimedia products that will include (a) visually rich web-based articles, (b) video interviews and documentary style short films, (c) audio interviews and podcast style “micro documentaries”, or (d) musical compositions and audio “soundscapes”. Students will gain experience in applying research by: writing for lay audiences; illustrating articles with artwork or digital photography; developing short audio, video, or music productions; and developing and implementing social media strategies to reach diverse audiences.

We are seeking students from different disciplines who want to apply their talents and interests to promoting people to get outside. Students can volunteer or earn 2 or 3 hours of HDFS 294 course credit (6 – 9 hours of work per week). All project participants must be available for mandatory project meetings on Thursdays from 3:00 -4:30 PM.

To apply, or for more information contact:

Dr. Aaron Ebata (